Forum: Inflatable boats - SIBs and folding RIBs
24 March 2025, 20:56
Replies: 0
Views: 134
Help from Honwave Ally floor SIB owner
I've realised that the used BL Ribs 3.6mtr SIB (similar to Honwave T35 AE) that I've bought recently is missing the stringers that keep the floor rigid. Would a T35 owner be kind enough to measure...
Forum: Say Hello | New Member Introductions
15 March 2025, 09:39
Replies: 2
Views: 245
New Member
Hello all. New member with a 3.6mtr Waveline SIB, currently running a 5hp Mariner, but knowing me will be maxxed out at 20hp before too much longer. Bought it last week, mostly for fishing in the...