Forum: RIBs & ribbing
08 May 2015, 20:56
Replies: 13
Views: 2,939
Forum: RIBs & ribbing
04 May 2015, 16:12
Replies: 21
Views: 4,600
Tenders Who has the best one for a 7m Rib
We use this, and it even fits in the back of the Navara, usually would have a seagull 2hp outboard on but it's just as quick to row if you don't fancy the engine.
Forum: Upcoming RIB cruises
14 March 2015, 21:33
Replies: 72
Views: 12,220
Forum: RIB gallery
18 December 2014, 07:19
Replies: 474
Views: 143,176
Forum: RIB gallery
17 December 2014, 21:39
Replies: 474
Views: 143,176
The worst bit is when the police man tells you...
The worst bit is when the police man tells you that the chance of seeing it again is almost zero and it will of been stripped down into bits already.
Just keeping a look out for the roof rack and...
Forum: RIB gallery
17 December 2014, 21:16
Replies: 474
Views: 143,176
Forum: RIBs & ribbing
15 December 2014, 22:11
Replies: 21
Views: 6,188
RC 6.4 150hp?
Just to add, that ribquest is an extremely capable sea rib so depending on what you will use it for there maybe faster hulls and cheaper boats,
Forum: RIBs & ribbing
15 December 2014, 22:07
Replies: 21
Views: 6,188
I think Ribquest do a 6.3 which is a a deep v...
I think Ribquest do a 6.3 which is a a deep v hull but can take large engines like 150s, but they just brought out a slightly wider hull what you can get in 6.5, 7 & 7.5, the 6.5 can take 175 suzuki...
Forum: RIBs & ribbing
09 December 2014, 22:09
Replies: 35
Views: 7,079
If I was you I'd be considering RibQuest, they...
If I was you I'd be considering RibQuest, they have a new 'in between' hull with the same deep v. They do this in what is called the supersport version, this can be changed to a commercial design,...
Forum: RIBs wanted
30 November 2014, 17:31
Replies: 0
Views: 893
Forum: Bits and pieces
30 October 2014, 16:01
Replies: 9
Views: 2,062
Forum: RIB gallery
30 September 2014, 21:48
Replies: 84
Views: 12,422
Forum: RIB gallery
28 September 2014, 15:04
Replies: 23
Views: 4,078
Forum: RIB gallery
27 September 2014, 19:03
Replies: 23
Views: 4,078
Forum: RIB gallery
04 September 2014, 19:07
Replies: 1,291
Views: 532,084
Forum: RIB gallery
04 September 2014, 17:27
Replies: 1,291
Views: 532,084
Forum: RIB gallery
04 September 2014, 17:05
Replies: 1,291
Views: 532,084