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Search: Posts Made By: nexus
Forum: Inflatable boats - SIBs and folding RIBs 25 August 2009, 23:49
Replies: 7
Views: 2,055
Posted By nexus
I used to have a 10' Avon SIB w/ wooden floor....

I used to have a 10' Avon SIB w/ wooden floor. Totally overpowered with a 25hp 2stroke evinrude that had the head worked on some. One up on flat water it would do a cool and repeatable 41mph by gps....
Forum: Inflatable boats - SIBs and folding RIBs 25 August 2009, 23:40
Replies: 10
Views: 4,264
Posted By nexus
I use one all the time, it's great. Takes about...

I use one all the time, it's great. Takes about 15 seconds to install/remove. Makes everything much more stable while trailering.
Forum: Engines & props 07 August 2009, 06:29
Replies: 6
Views: 25,394
Posted By nexus
Never did wind up changing the prop. The cost for...

Never did wind up changing the prop. The cost for SS prohibitive for a gamble on marginal improvements. What I want is more top end speed which a different prop would definitely give, however the...
Forum: Engines & props 07 August 2009, 06:06
Replies: 12
Views: 3,182
Posted By nexus
I'll never buy another Yamaha outboard. I have a...

I'll never buy another Yamaha outboard. I have a 40hp 4stroke on my 14' sib that requires more attention and maintenance and special care than any other motor (of any type) I've ever owned. Reading...
Forum: Inflatable boats - SIBs and folding RIBs 09 July 2009, 15:48
Replies: 17
Views: 13,503
Posted By nexus
I have 2 of these drain tubes on my achilles and...

I have 2 of these drain tubes on my achilles and they are a total pain in the ass. when i lower them they never actually drain any water until i reach over the transom and straighten them out and...
Forum: Inflatable boats - SIBs and folding RIBs 02 March 2009, 16:30
Replies: 20
Views: 8,966
Posted By nexus
I'm a diver too. My first inflatable was a 10.5'...

I'm a diver too. My first inflatable was a 10.5' avon. With a 25hp on the transom it would do 30+mph with 2 fully kitted divers. The problem was that it was just too much of a hassle to setup/tear...
Forum: Engines & props 01 March 2009, 02:01
Replies: 6
Views: 25,394
Posted By nexus
Anyone ever have an answer for this? I have an...

Anyone ever have an answer for this? I have an F40 I need a prop for. The stock one has seen better days. Figure now is the time to change it up if I'll ever do it.

Pushing a 14' SIB.
Forum: Inflatable boats - SIBs and folding RIBs 28 February 2009, 22:23
Replies: 4
Views: 1,626
Posted By nexus
It's worth nothing that this inflatable spends...

It's worth nothing that this inflatable spends its time on a trailer. The motor never comes off. I want a cover that will cover the boat, but not the motor WHILE the motor is still mounted.

Forum: Inflatable boats - SIBs and folding RIBs 28 February 2009, 22:18
Replies: 4
Views: 1,626
Posted By nexus
thanks. I've actually tried several semi-custom...

thanks. I've actually tried several semi-custom made covers from 2 big manufacturers of boat covers. neither actually fit despite their claims. There is no console or anything odd about my boat. I...
Forum: Inflatable boats - SIBs and folding RIBs 28 February 2009, 20:05
Replies: 2
Views: 3,133
Posted By nexus
Tech help for trimming Achilles SG140

I've given up on my local shop. They dont have any idea what they are doing so it's time I take things into my own hands.

2003 Achilles SG140
2002 Yamaha F40
SmartTab sx9510-40 Kit

Forum: Inflatable boats - SIBs and folding RIBs 28 February 2009, 19:31
Replies: 4
Views: 1,626
Posted By nexus
Recommend Cover - Achilles SG140

I'm looking for a cover for my SG140. I've tried several different covers and despite the manufacturers insisting that they are the right size none have fit correctly. I want a reinforced...
Showing results 1 to 11 of 11


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