Showing results 1 to 25 of 155
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Search: Posts Made By: Stuart M
Forum: Engines & props 16 September 2009, 21:05
Replies: 327
Views: 541,496
Posted By Stuart M
Rapture Stainless Prop 13.25" x 15

Came off my Honda BF90. In very good condition. Part Number 033084

Give me a call on 07850-796666 if interested.

Located near Fareham, Hants

also have a aluminium prop with 48-72764-17 on...
Forum: Bits and pieces 15 September 2009, 17:32
Replies: 1
Views: 1,001
Posted By Stuart M
Garmin Atlantic V7 Chart with Unlock Code

I have a Atlantic V7 Chart with Unlock Code and USB Programmer. Comes complete with two CD's - Chart and Driver Disk. Programmer plugs into USB socket and allows downloading / upload of data from a...
Forum: Bits and pieces 09 August 2009, 07:08
Replies: 11
Views: 2,560
Posted By Stuart M
Re: Prop

Any idea of size etc as I have a couple of spare props but no idea what size you need. Maybe others will be in same situation.
Forum: Bits and pieces 08 August 2009, 21:33
Replies: 1
Views: 1,303
Posted By Stuart M

Now Sold
Forum: Bits and pieces 08 August 2009, 07:36
Replies: 1
Views: 1,278
Posted By Stuart M
Icom M71 for Sale - £125

I am selling my Icom M71 due to emigrating later this year. It has had very little use and is in full working order. Comes with Smart Charger and belt clip. Located near fareham
Forum: Bits and pieces 08 August 2009, 07:16
Replies: 1
Views: 1,303
Posted By Stuart M
Icom M31 for Sale as new - £69

I am selling my Icom M31 due to emigrating later this year. It has had very little use and is in full working order. Comes with Charger and optional AA battery tray. Located near fareham
Forum: Engines & props 01 June 2009, 15:21
Replies: 3
Views: 1,251
Posted By Stuart M
trust me it wasn't. he was sat there for an hour!...

trust me it wasn't. he was sat there for an hour!

They did seem quite suprised when they got back and that prop was missing though. Think they lost it when they docked because I was sitting behind...
Forum: Engines & props 01 June 2009, 11:17
Replies: 3
Views: 1,251
Posted By Stuart M
Honda Engine Cowling Modification?

Noticed this whilst on Holiday recently.

Does anyone know if Honda are fitting seats to there outboards now or is this just a neat idea to ensure the cowling doesn't come off at speed.

Forum: Engines & props 07 September 2008, 21:17
Replies: 17
Views: 3,088
Posted By Stuart M
the amount i use it's no real drama to be honest....

the amount i use it's no real drama to be honest. I'm more p*ssed about the price of diesel for the car £100 for a tank full compared with <70 quid last year - thats a rip off!
Forum: Engines & props 07 September 2008, 20:09
Replies: 17
Views: 3,088
Posted By Stuart M
£2 - and how much has a tank of fuel gone...

£2 - and how much has a tank of fuel gone up...... you can't even buy a pint of beer for £2 (unless you are in wales of course!) 8-)

are we jumping up and down about fuel prices (not really)
Forum: Engines & props 07 September 2008, 20:05
Replies: 17
Views: 3,088
Posted By Stuart M
Who knows....but my point it worth the...

Who knows....but my point it worth the risk - answer NO! - I agree that we are all being taken for a ride but wake up and smell the coffee time. We spend a shed full of money on a boat and...
Forum: Engines & props 06 September 2008, 20:22
Replies: 17
Views: 3,088
Posted By Stuart M
False Economy?

"but will actually run on normal 2 stroke oil - just not as well" - call me old fashioned but I like my engine to be running as well as possible - especially when I am out at sea!

I saw a...
Forum: Other stuff 02 September 2008, 04:04
Replies: 102
Views: 18,709
Posted By Stuart M
MacBook Pro

If you think the iPhone is cool (which I do) then try using a MacBook Pro or iMac. I have just "converted" from PC to Mac and wow it's superb.

Main Advantages i have found (Mac vs PC)
Forum: RIBs & ribbing 31 August 2008, 21:22
Replies: 4
Views: 1,402
Posted By Stuart M
Worth a Trip

I've been up there many a time in a 5.4 Avon.

I would want to go up on a rising tide as mentioned. You can moor up just before the bridge at botley if I remember and walk into the village (300...
Forum: Electrics and electronics 04 August 2008, 05:03
Replies: 69
Views: 15,550
Posted By Stuart M
I have one of these supplied and fitted by...

I have one of these supplied and fitted by rib-shop and it is awesome. The speakers are those supplied with the unit and it sounds great even at 40kts with an opti 225 on the back at WOT. One of the...
Forum: RIBs & ribbing 29 July 2008, 20:33
Replies: 27
Views: 4,580
Posted By Stuart M
Time of year has a large factor as well. No-one...

Time of year has a large factor as well. No-one wants a boat in November but April / May different story. Just like selling a convertible car. Or a 4x4 before the budget 8-)

I think that the "look...
Forum: Electrics and electronics 27 July 2008, 21:16
Replies: 28
Views: 8,341
Posted By Stuart M
Spoke too soon.....It's doing it again but not...

Spoke too soon.....It's doing it again but not nearly as often. Oil level sensor is working fine though...

Take it out and shake it....quality advice - almost laughable.
Forum: Electrics and electronics 27 July 2008, 11:11
Replies: 3
Views: 1,720
Posted By Stuart M
Dealer plugged in the diags and nothing found! ...

Dealer plugged in the diags and nothing found!

However...... Engine Fault log on 8120 had some info in it! - Faulty air sensor. It's going in for a service soon so it'll get look at then.
Forum: Electrics and electronics 27 July 2008, 07:08
Replies: 28
Views: 8,341
Posted By Stuart M
Not that it helps but I have a 8120 with a Opti...

Not that it helps but I have a 8120 with a Opti 225 and it works fine. However getting it to work was a nightmare.

Apparently there are two types of smartcraft and they are smartcraft and...
Forum: Electrics and electronics 11 July 2008, 06:50
Replies: 3
Views: 1,720
Posted By Stuart M
Check Engine!

I have a navman 8120 chart plotter and a small 5" navman both connected to my Optimax 225. Every now and then I get a "Check Engine" message on both Navman units which has to be cleared by pressing...
Forum: RIBs & ribbing 31 May 2008, 21:03
Replies: 7
Views: 1,667
Posted By Stuart M
Tried boats and outboards and although I had a...

Tried boats and outboards and although I had a few 4-5 enquiries nothing solid. In the end I used rib-shop to act as a broker and they sold it easily. Nice smooth transaction, money was available the...
Forum: RIBs & ribbing 22 April 2008, 13:15
Replies: 22
Views: 6,950
Posted By Stuart M
I use protex and they are superb - TIP, take them...

I use protex and they are superb - TIP, take them off and stick them in neat kettle descaler and that will get them working again. Also the locks look like they pop out so can be replaced if needed
Forum: RIBs & ribbing 13 November 2007, 16:07
Replies: 64
Views: 10,866
Posted By Stuart M
My attitude is fairly laid back to be honest -...

My attitude is fairly laid back to be honest - unless a parachute flare landed on me :eek:

I personally (and I may be alone) think that firing a parachute flare on land when not in distress is...
Forum: RIBs & ribbing 13 November 2007, 07:17
Replies: 64
Views: 10,866
Posted By Stuart M
From the RNLI website "Flares are a simple way of...

From the RNLI website "Flares are a simple way of letting others know you are in trouble and show where you are but remember it is illegal to let off a flare if you are not in distress. "

Forum: Electrics and electronics 12 November 2007, 22:42
Replies: 6
Views: 1,886
Posted By Stuart M
I guess another battery switch on the negative...

I guess another battery switch on the negative would do that?
Showing results 1 to 25 of 155


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