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Search: Posts Made By: Sutty
Forum: Inflatable boats - SIBs and folding RIBs 28 April 2024, 06:44
Replies: 19
Views: 1,769
Posted By Sutty
Wow, I didn’t realise that inflating a SIB/RiB...

Wow, I didn’t realise that inflating a SIB/RiB was so technical, I have been boating longer than most of you have been alive and just blown the tubes up in no particular order and never used a gauge...
Forum: RIBs & ribbing 17 July 2023, 20:05
Replies: 3
Views: 629
Posted By Sutty
What speed are you talking about?

What speed are you talking about?
Forum: Bits and pieces 16 May 2023, 03:26
Replies: 11
Wanted: Anchor Rope
Views: 846
Posted By Sutty
You could always buy some from a chandlers ( a...

You could always buy some from a chandlers ( a boat accessory shop) or if you want cheap stuff go to B&Q. Jimmy Green is competitive on price. Alternatively try the internet:dance:
Forum: RIBs & ribbing 26 March 2023, 09:24
Replies: 15
Views: 1,287
Posted By Sutty
Never had a problem with any of my outboards and...

Never had a problem with any of my outboards and have just started my Mercury 9.9 with fuel that is at least 2 years old and that with unbranded petrol in Portugal. In my selection of motorbikes that...
Forum: Inflatable boats - SIBs and folding RIBs 22 March 2023, 07:59
Replies: 55
Views: 5,905
Posted By Sutty
Only just seen this and enjoyed the spirit of...

Only just seen this and enjoyed the spirit of adventure of these lads. I am probably older than most folk on here and remember the days of no sat nav/gps 2 part epoxy glue, kill cords the internet...
Forum: About RIBnet | Site Help & Announcements 27 February 2023, 06:50
Replies: 11
Views: 1,458
Posted By Sutty
If this is a game of spot the difference, you...

If this is a game of spot the difference, you win:bang:
Forum: Say Hello | New Member Introductions 02 February 2023, 18:45
Replies: 0
Views: 656
Posted By Sutty
Boat trim

Just in the process of looking at different trim options for my new boat. I have previously always fitted Bennett hydraulic trim tabs but a couple of people have suggested Zipwake interceptors...
Forum: RIBs & ribbing 22 December 2022, 12:47
Replies: 7
Views: 1,565
Posted By Sutty
I have just gone from a 7.7 mt cobra to an 8.7 mt...

I have just gone from a 7.7 mt cobra to an 8.7 mt cobra and the difference is amazing
Forum: RIBs & ribbing 13 November 2022, 11:57
Replies: 6
Views: 830
Posted By Sutty
Plenty on eBay for about £50. Probably not the...

Plenty on eBay for about £50. Probably not the latest detail but I wouldn’t imagine the sea bed changes that often:dance:
Forum: RIBs & ribbing 25 September 2022, 09:45
Replies: 21
Views: 2,020
Posted By Sutty
Had a 8mt RIB trailed from Plymouth to Portugal...

Had a 8mt RIB trailed from Plymouth to Portugal with a cover on and no damage to the boat or cover. Kept the boat lovely and clean whereas any long distance without a cover would leave the boat...
Forum: RIBs & ribbing 01 September 2022, 20:34
Replies: 26
Views: 5,149
Posted By Sutty
Wow, a bionic cushion that falls forward into a...

Wow, a bionic cushion that falls forward into a 60mph wind :dance:
Forum: RIBs & ribbing 13 August 2022, 06:57
Replies: 23
Views: 1,692
Posted By Sutty
Before I ever ask a favour to borrow something...

Before I ever ask a favour to borrow something (which is very very rare)I always put myself in the opposite position, in this case imagine your RIB was finished and ready to go and you were cleaning...
Forum: Bits and pieces 02 August 2022, 07:07
Replies: 1
Wanted: Fusion speakers
Views: 510
Posted By Sutty
They have stopped making the 6” model. I tried...

They have stopped making the 6” model. I tried everywhere to buy them and finished up fitting the 6.5” ones.
Forum: RIBnet Europe 23 July 2022, 09:45
Replies: 9
Views: 7,186
Posted By Sutty
In Portugal you also have to carry flares, fire...

In Portugal you also have to carry flares, fire extinguisher, anchor ball and name on the boat. Don’t know if it is the same in Spain.
Forum: RIBs & ribbing 15 July 2022, 11:25
Replies: 17
Views: 1,338
Posted By Sutty
I use NCI lookout info and use the actual not the...

I use NCI lookout info and use the actual not the forecast. I am not usually more than 2 hours from base so the sea is very unlikely to change from calm to hurricane in that time.
Forum: RIBs & ribbing 29 May 2022, 20:45
Replies: 16
Views: 2,217
Posted By Sutty
Supply and demand controls prices, fuel will come...

Supply and demand controls prices, fuel will come down, luxury toys will come down as the staycation boom comes down. As for house prices and values they also have been know to come down, remember...
Forum: Say Hello | New Member Introductions 18 May 2022, 11:47
Replies: 3
Views: 878
Posted By Sutty

What a service. Just put in a claim with GJW @ 10.48 this morning and @ 11.41 the claim was approved. Some say GJW are expensive, I have always found them competitive and obviously the claims payout...
Forum: Engines & props 26 April 2022, 04:37
Replies: 101
Views: 9,580
Posted By Sutty
We both agree it should be a dealer then, not the...

We both agree it should be a dealer then, not the manufacturer.
Forum: Engines & props 26 April 2022, 03:55
Replies: 101
Views: 9,580
Posted By Sutty
Why tell him to go back to Suzuki, why not ring...

Why tell him to go back to Suzuki, why not ring Terry at Excel and explain the problems to him, that is where he bought it from. If you bought a new Ford (there are other makes available) from a...
Forum: Engines & props 25 April 2022, 13:52
Replies: 101
Views: 9,580
Posted By Sutty
The operator hasn’t admitted to any error, surely...

The operator hasn’t admitted to any error, surely it would be up to the retailer to prove it anyway!
Forum: Engines & props 25 April 2022, 11:33
Replies: 101
Views: 9,580
Posted By Sutty
The operator hasn’t admitted to any error, surely...

The operator hasn’t admitted to any error, surely it would be up to the retailer to prove it anyway!
Forum: Engines & props 25 April 2022, 05:08
Replies: 101
Views: 9,580
Posted By Sutty
Why faff about, just take it back from whence it...

Why faff about, just take it back from whence it came and get it fixed under warranty or return it not fit for purpose. You have the proof that it has not been used much.:dance:
Forum: RIBs & ribbing 14 April 2022, 16:36
Replies: 5
Views: 966
Posted By Sutty
I have used one for years but from memory I have...

I have used one for years but from memory I have 5 mts of chain attached. To be fair I do not do much anchoring so can’t confirm how good the holding is:dance:
Forum: RIBnet Europe 24 February 2022, 14:24
Replies: 15
Views: 8,982
Posted By Sutty
Went round to Dartmouth instead and took the...

Went round to Dartmouth instead and took the Ribeye back��
Forum: Engines & props 01 January 2022, 19:28
Replies: 6
Views: 1,007
Posted By Sutty
This old chestnut again. I have a RIB in Portugal...

This old chestnut again. I have a RIB in Portugal where there is 250 litres of low grade petrol sitting in it. This is a typical situation so the fuel can be anything up to a year old and I NEVER...
Showing results 1 to 25 of 205


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