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Search: Posts Made By: boatbuoy
Forum: Other stuff 01 September 2005, 15:22
Replies: 11
Views: 2,160
Posted By boatbuoy
Yes it does. A lot if discovery drivers use that.

Yes it does. A lot if discovery drivers use that.
Forum: Other stuff 01 September 2005, 14:35
Replies: 11
Views: 2,160
Posted By boatbuoy
Just to add, that is all sealed using sikaflex...

Just to add, that is all sealed using sikaflex and if I park it down hill and it rains, it all fills up with water. Can also use it to bond the plate to panels.
Forum: Other stuff 01 September 2005, 14:33
Replies: 11
Views: 2,160
Posted By boatbuoy
Mmmmmm checker plate....! If you buy a landy...

Mmmmmm checker plate....!

If you buy a landy you can buy all the panels ready to fit! :p

You are prolly needing 2mm plate for sills and non load bearing surfaces. My Wing tops and load bed are...
Forum: Electrics and electronics 23 August 2005, 09:39
Replies: 11
Views: 2,795
Posted By boatbuoy
I'm fairly sure it is marked on the chart between...

I'm fairly sure it is marked on the chart between Hythe and Cadland, think its on the Western Side of Southampton Water, but I'm propbably wrong, it's known to happen! :p
Forum: RIBs & ribbing 23 August 2005, 09:35
Replies: 18
Views: 2,562
Posted By boatbuoy
With twin engines you can do a self jump start,...

With twin engines you can do a self jump start, all via just an isolator key. :cool:
Forum: Electrics and electronics 22 August 2005, 15:50
Replies: 8
Views: 1,669
Posted By boatbuoy
With most electronics, if you think it should do...

With most electronics, if you think it should do something, it more than likely does. You just need to push all the buttons to figure out how it does it! :p
Forum: Tow vehicles, 4x4s, trucks, cars & bikes 22 August 2005, 15:46
Replies: 243
Views: 37,295
Posted By boatbuoy Codprawn....
Forum: Electrics and electronics 22 August 2005, 10:07
Replies: 11
Views: 2,795
Posted By boatbuoy
Alternatively: Come to Southampton, run...


Come to Southampton, run along side our boat, we can tell you when you reach 32knots, then its anyones guess as you out run us.

Either that or come to Southamton and run the...
Forum: RIBs & ribbing 21 August 2005, 23:38
Replies: 10
Views: 2,683
Posted By boatbuoy
The only BWM I used had a very shallow V, and...

The only BWM I used had a very shallow V, and made it slap in anything more than a millpond? Do they do a deeper V at all?
Forum: Tow vehicles, 4x4s, trucks, cars & bikes 21 August 2005, 23:36
Replies: 243
Views: 37,295
Posted By boatbuoy
Two of the many I play with:

Two of the many I play with:
Forum: RIBs & ribbing 21 August 2005, 23:29
Replies: 6
Views: 1,277
Posted By boatbuoy
If you want a good solid boat, go for a 6m+...

If you want a good solid boat, go for a 6m+ Ribcraft or Ribtec with Twin Outboard Engines or a decent diesel for smugness. If you want a poser mobile, I'm the wrong person to ask, lol.

Forum: RIBs & ribbing 21 August 2005, 19:49
Replies: 2
Views: 1,852
Posted By boatbuoy
Thats padstow / rock / polzeath for you. Too much...

Thats padstow / rock / polzeath for you. Too much money for me up there.
Forum: Tow vehicles, 4x4s, trucks, cars & bikes 21 August 2005, 17:17
Replies: 243
Views: 37,295
Posted By boatbuoy
Land Rovers Rock :)

Land Rovers Rock :)
Forum: RIBs & ribbing 21 August 2005, 17:05
Replies: 23
Views: 5,528
Posted By boatbuoy
Also good to put a self righting mechanism on, or...

Also good to put a self righting mechanism on, or we have two grab canasters that have tools, flares, spare vhf, and dry box type bits.
Forum: Electrics and electronics 21 August 2005, 17:00
Replies: 24
Views: 4,094
Posted By boatbuoy
The harbour master will tell you if you're...

The harbour master will tell you if you're speeding! Get yourself a handheld garmin unit at $99 and that'll do everything but draw charts.
Forum: RIB gallery 20 August 2005, 14:21
Replies: 24
Views: 8,594
Posted By boatbuoy
Not half. I may have a snorkel fitted to the 90,...

Not half. I may have a snorkel fitted to the 90, but any time it goes near the coast I attack it with a pressure washer.
Forum: RIBs & ribbing 20 August 2005, 14:12
Replies: 23
Views: 5,528
Posted By boatbuoy
I've had many a light snack wedged between the...

I've had many a light snack wedged between the Windscreen, and the GPS!
Forum: RIBs & ribbing 20 August 2005, 14:10
Replies: 12
Views: 2,841
Posted By boatbuoy
It did impress the RNLI seacheck chap when he...

It did impress the RNLI seacheck chap when he surveyed the boat.

He said what type of anchor do you use.... I went, well....

The pay off, is that it is not so quick and easy to deploy, and it...
Forum: RIBs & ribbing 20 August 2005, 14:02
Replies: 23
Views: 5,528
Posted By boatbuoy
Nope, not at all. They tend to get quite hard to...

Nope, not at all. They tend to get quite hard to see through. In rough waters, if the boat doesn't have a screen I just wear a ski mask.

Does mean you don't have anywhere to put your jaffa cakes...
Forum: Electrics and electronics 20 August 2005, 13:58
Replies: 24
Views: 4,094
Posted By boatbuoy
Don't forget a Mounted VHF is 25Watt output, and...

Don't forget a Mounted VHF is 25Watt output, and a handheld is 5watt max. I know which I'd rather be using in a mayday situation.
Forum: RIBs & ribbing 20 August 2005, 13:54
Replies: 12
Views: 2,841
Posted By boatbuoy
I'd of thought 50m of warp would be good enough...

I'd of thought 50m of warp would be good enough padding.

In mine:

60m of thick warp 6m of chain & danforth.
8m of chain and 5kg grapnel
5m of chain and plough on 60m of climbing rope....
Forum: RIBs & ribbing 20 August 2005, 13:49
Replies: 23
Views: 5,528
Posted By boatbuoy
A two man console gives space for a navigater, a...

A two man console gives space for a navigater, a packet of jaffa cakes and a cup of tea on the dash! Thats why we have that on our Ribtec!
Forum: RIBs & ribbing 20 August 2005, 13:47
Replies: 23
Views: 5,528
Posted By boatbuoy
Get stringers fitted so you can whip the seats...

Get stringers fitted so you can whip the seats out. No, Sitting on the sides is not dangerous, unless you have an incompetant skipper, who does take in the consideration of his passengers. It is...
Forum: RIBs & ribbing 18 August 2005, 19:49
Replies: 10
Views: 2,835
Posted By boatbuoy
Cheap?!!! Lol.


Forum: RIBs & ribbing 17 August 2005, 21:54
Replies: 11
Views: 3,032
Posted By boatbuoy
Yes, our bow tube came away after stuffing it in...

Yes, our bow tube came away after stuffing it in to a wave! Easily repaired and been very solid since. Have no fear, they are one of the best ribs you can get. :p
Showing results 1 to 25 of 71


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